Evening Undergraduate, Graduate, and Summer Programs

Tuition for undergraduate courses is currently $148 per semester hour of credit. Tuition for graduate courses is currently $189 per semester hour of credit. Tuition is payable at the time of registration and may be made by bank check, money order, personal check, or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover); cash will not be accepted.

Fees are charged and payable when and as applicable:

Administrative Fee (Undergraduate) $161.00 - per credit
Administrative Fee (Graduate) $163.00 - per credit
Capital Improvement Fee $26.50 - per credit
Transcript $10.00 - per copy
Rush Transcript $10.00 - per copy
Laboratory Instruction $90.00 - per course
Nursing Clinical $320.00 - per course
Field Work Supervision/Internship/Teacher Education Practicum $15.00 - per credit
International Student Fee-Fall/Spring 250.00 per term
International Student Fee-Summer 125.00 per term

Tuition and fee charges are subject to change by the Board of Trustees.

Course Cancellation/Processing of Tuition Refunds

Worcester State reserves the right to cancel any course for which there is insufficient enrollment. Students may transfer to another course by completing appropriate forms in the Registrar’s Office. Processing of tuition refunds takes two to four weeks. Refunds are sent to the student at the address of record.