Minor in STEM

The STEM minor provides students with a broad foundation of scientific knowledge. The minor reinforces the scientific method across disciplines, and will allow students to gain increased scientific literacy across the disciplines. Students will also learn to communicate science to a diverse audience. Any non-science major with an interest in science and its applications to real world problems should pursue this major. 

Requirements(18 credits)
Choose 5 courses including one lab science. No more than two from Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Physics or DEEP.15
Paper Or Plastics?
Survey of Chemistry
General Chemistry I
Biology (BI-104 must be taken with BI-103 to count in the minor.)
Concepts of Biology
The Human Animal
The Human Animal Laboratory
Social Biology
Diseases and Mankind
Plants and Human Affairs
Animal Biology
Humans and the Environment
Biology of Sex
Darwinian Revolution
Women in Science
Field Biology
Introduction to Organismal Biology
Intro to Cellular and Molecular Biology
Research Techniques and Experimental Design
Biology of Aging
Computer Science
Basics of Computer Science
Data Visualization and Statistical Analysis
Programming for Non-CS Majors
Introduction to Programming
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
Computer Networking and Security
Data Mining for Non-Cs Majors
Database Applications
Unix Systems Programming
Database Design and Applications
Introduction to Astronomy
Concepts in Physics I
Physics of Waves
General Physics I
Physics I (Mechanics)
Integrated Environmental Science for Educators
Environmental Problems and Solutions
Environmental Science
Physical Geography
or GS-110
Physical Geology
Geographic Information Systems I
Contemporary Climate Change
Introduction to Soil Science
The Sedimentary Record
STEM Minor Seminar
CH-312Tackling Global Issues using STEM3
Total Credits18