Civic Engagement Minor

Introduction to Civic Engagement
One course from each of the three civic engagement categories - courses must derive from three different disciplines.
Two courses from a single civic engagement category.
One practicum/internship focused on civic engagement at the 300 or 400 level in any department, as approved by the student's civic engagement advisor. Options include, but are not limited to:
Practicum in Urban Studies
Internship in Political Science
Total Credits21
Category 1: Politics & Policy
CM-384Media Criticism3
EV-130Environmental Problems and Solutions3
EV-235Contemporary Climate Change3
GE-250Urban Geography3
GE-258Global Environmental Change3
GE-285Sustainable Communities3
PO-215State and Local Government3
PO-217The U.S. Congress3
PO-243City Politics3
PO-262Principles of US Public Policy3
PO-265Racial and Ethnic Politics3
PO-311Environmental Politics and Policy3
PO-319Constitutional Law of Civil Rights and Liberties3
PO-325The Kennedy Legacy in American Public Life3
UR-310Power, Politics and Decision-Making in Urban Communities3
UR-311Urban Politics and Policies3
UR-320Power and Urban Insecurity3
UR-360Environmental Systems and Public Policy3
UR-380Public Policy and Cultural Diversity3
Category 2: Communications & Advocacy Skills
CM-106Communications and the Internet3
CM-107Journalism and Democracy3
CM-110Public Speaking3
CM-204Analysis of News3
CM-206Digital Storytelling3
CM-213Gender and the Media3
CM-260Introduction to Video3
CM-315Social Media3
CM-325Community Media Production3
CM-340Public Relations Strategy3
CM-350Intercultural Communication3
CM-359Documentary Production3
CM-363Visual Media Literacy3
CM-390Independent Media and Society3
EN-107Journalism and Democracy3
EN-268Journalism: Feature Writing3
EN-272News Reporting and Writing I3
EN-322Community Writing3
PO-216Political Parties and Interest Groups3
PO-223Political Communication3
PO-230Campaigns and Elections3
TH-292Applied Theatre and Community Engagement3
Category 3: Social Justice & Social Change
CM-416Media Law and Ethics3
HI-217US Social History3
HI-243Introduction to Public History3
HI-320Citizen Nation3
PH-130Ethics: Human Conduct & Values3
PH-131Medical Ethics3
PH-133Social and Political Ethics3
PH-151Race, Gender, and the Law3
PH-241Genocide and Human Rights3
SO-200Contemporary Social Problems3
SO-230Political Sociology3
SO-285Race, Class and Gender3
SO-300Social Change3
SO-305Applied Sociology3
SO-315Social Movements3
UR-213Human Identity and Urban Environment3
UR-305Group Conflict in the Urban Community3
UR-321Advanced Social Work3