Pre-Law Minor

Requirements for the Pre-Law Minor:

Required Courses9
Foundations of Legal Studies
Critical Thinking
or PH-115
Logic I
Philosophy of Law
or PH-151
Race, Gender, and the Law
A course in this category not taken as a Required Course can be taken to satisfy the Elective/Experiential Learning requirement.
Constitutional and International Law6
Take 2 courses from the following:
Constitutional Law of Government Powers And Constraints
or HI-218
US Constitutional History I
Constitutional Law of Civil Rights and Liberties
or HI-219
US Constitutional History II
International Law
A course in this category not taken as a Constitutional or International Law Course can be taken to satisfy the Elective/Experiential Learning requirement.
Electives/Experiential Learning6
Take 2 courses from the following (if not already satisfied by courses in the above categories):
Ethics: Human Conduct & Values
Social and Political Ethics
Political Theory
Genocide and Human Rights
Animal Law & Policy
The U.S. Congress
Internship in Pre-Law
English Constitutional History
Citizen Nation
Seminar in Constitutional History
American Judicial System
Business Law I
Law & Marginalized Groups
At least one of the courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the Pre-Law Minor must address issues of law and marginalized groups. Students can satisfy this requirement by taking PH-151 Race, Gender, and the Law, or PO-319 Constitutional Law of Civil Rights and Liberties, or an appropriate course approved by the Pre-Law Advisor.
A student may substitute an appropriate course approved by the Pre-Law Advisor for any of the above requirements.
Total Credits21

In addition to the Pre-Law Minor, WSU has multiple 3+3 Law Degree Agreements, with the UMass School of Law and the Western New England University School of Law.  More information about these programs can be found at